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Following on Foot
The Burton Hunt welcomes all those who wish to follow hounds and enjoy a day out in the countryside, whether on foot, on a bicycle or in a car.
Car following has evolved as a sport in itself in recent years. Most car followers belong to the Hunt Supporters Club but the Hunt does attract members of the public, notably at Boxing Day Meets.
Cars are capped on hunting days by voluntary members of the Supporters Club.
The rules for car followers are similar to those of the mounted followers and bearing in mind to observe the rules of the highway, have evolved for the same reason.
Again they fall into two categories of etiquette, what to do and what not to do:
DO NOT block the road
DO NOT park on dangerous bends
DO NOT open doors in the path of mounted followers
DO NOT park alongside a covert
DO NOT drive in woodland rides and not at any time in Forestry Commission woods
DO at all times consider other road users
DO switch off your engines when hounds are in the vicintiy
DO open and close gates for Hunt Staff
DO give way to Hunt Staff and mounted followers
DO avoid driving on mown verges
DO avoid driving to close to mounted followers
DO avoid blocking gateways and private drives
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